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R E B I R T H - Movement Medicine & Embodied Breathwork Ceremony

  • St Michaels Parish Hall Park Lane Bristol, England, BS2 8BE United Kingdom (map)

You are most welcome to join us for this unique day-long event in the heart of Bristol.

Combining Movement Medicine and Embodied Breathwork for a deeply transformational journey into the healing and transformational potential of your breath, body, and awareness connected.

We begin with a Movement Medicine embodiment practice guided with gentle facilitation and a finely crafted dance journey, to fully arrive in the body and get the energy moving. We then move into the Embodied Breathwork Ceremony with conscious connected breathing and music.

This is an opportunity to breathe and move in community, to release blocks and anything that’s holding you back, and then be open to inspiration and guidance creating more freedom in your breath, body, and life.

To create a strong container this event is limited to 20 places and there is a sliding scale of payment to make this work accessible to all who feel the calling:

£44 - Early bird tickets are now sold out

£55 - Concessions with coupon code CONCESSION

£66 - Full price payment will support those who pay less - Thank you

You can book your place here and there is more information about the day and the way I work below:

Movement Medicine is a potent transformational and healing modality, which supports you to fully arrive in the body and get the energy moving ready for the breathwork. You are free to move in the space and let yourself move however your body wants to. The practice is fundamentally about listening to the body and the dance journey is created in the moment to be responsive to what’s arising in the space with facilitation to empower your connection to your breath, body, and awareness.

The Embodied Breathwork Ceremony is held lying down and you are supported verbally, physically, and energetically, as well as with music. You are guided through the process and encouraged to move, shake, sound, and allow anything to be released that is no longer serving you. This then opens the possibility for healing, transformation, and insights to arise. It is also an opportunity to send prayers and good energy to others and the world.

The core breathwork techniques come from Rebirthing Breathwork and are simple yet powerful ways to move out of the linear mind, release limiting beliefs and emotions and free up the life force energy that was being used to hold them in place. There is also a blend of Mindfulness techniques, Energising Breathwork & Shamanic practices.

Here’s the flow of the day:

9.45am - Doors open

10am - Arrival music for landing together & warming up

10.15am - Opening Circle

10.30am - BreathMotion Dance Journey - Movement Medicine, Ecstatic Dance & Energising Breathwork

12pm - Integration

12.15pm - Snack break, & make nests & prepare for the Embodied Breathwork Ceremony

12.45pm - Embodied Breathwork orientation

1pm - Embodied Breathwork Ceremony

2.30pm - Integration

2.45pm - Sharing in diads

3pm - Group sharing & Closing Circle

3.30pm - Community time inc food sharing for those who wish to

4pm - Complete

During the Ceremony, you will naturally connect to the innate wisdom within as the breathwork supports the familiar frontal cortex to become less active. As the energy moves around your body with the breathing and movement combined you will experience and variety of feelings, emotions, and sensations which you will be encouraged and guided to give back to this inner intelligence that knows exactly what’s ready to move and be released. It’s actually very simple but can be surprisingly powerful! All you really need is the willingness to be present, trust the process, let go and let the energy flow.

The final and most important part of the experience is the integration. This is where your system is allowed to settle and any spaces that have been created from anything that’s been released can be filled with clear, fresh, life-force energy to nourish and renew you from the inside out.

At the heart of the holding, there is an awareness of trauma and how to regulate the experience so that you are safe and held at all times so the full potential of these modalities to be actualised. This is the alchemy of the experience; creating safety and deep inner connection, then moving in and out of states of activation and regulation consciously so that healing, transformation, and release can happen.

This way of working builds a powerful bridge between your breath, your body, and your awareness, which as well as being fundamental to the process is also useful in daily life. Building this bridge between these deep inner experiences and your daily life, where you spend most of your time, is the core intention of my work, so that it is genuinely useful and not just a one-off experience.

The techniques we will be using are simple yet profound and they support you to resource, release, and restore from the inside out:


Bring awareness into your body and connect to the innate healing capacity within you that knows exactly what's ready to heal.


Anything that limits you and is ready to move from the mental, physical, energetic, and emotional levels of your being.


Your connection to potent life force energy, insight, creativity, and power that is available to you in every moment, in every breath.

About your facilitator

Benjamin works with Breathwork and Embodiment practices to support you to breathe, move, and live into your full potential. In essence, his work is about holding space and providing guidance for you to connect with the innate intelligence and healing capacity of your breath and body. He is deeply committed to showing up and playing his part in these pivotal times we are living in, and his mission is to empower people to stand in their sovereignty and power so that they can move beyond any limitations and bring their full gifts alive in service of life.

He is a fully qualified Rebirthing Breathwork practitioner and Movement Medicine teacher and facilitator. He has over 20 years of experience in the field of health and wellbeing, having begun his journey as a healer when he became a Reiki practitioner at 19 years old. Since then he has journeyed deeply with many healing and transformational modalities personally and professionally. He now focuses on working with the trinity of breath, body, and awareness to empower people to be their own healers, teachers, and leaders as he feels this is what the world needs most in these times; for people to be empowered, centered, and able to navigate and respond to the challenges of life in simple, effective and powerful ways, without having to look outside of themselves for external validation, wisdom or healing. Of course, sometimes that is essential, but he believes that is a phase and not the destination and that sovereignty, radiant health, and fulfillment are the birthrights of every living being.

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