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Embodied Breathwork One-to-One sessions @Medicine Festival 2023

Medicine Festival is now sold out but if you already have a ticket you can book a One-to-one Embodied Breathwork session with me here.

Words from the Medicine Festival website:




As we rise together In harmony, our world is revitalised and recreated; this is a world where all are welcome, and all are accepted as we are, and where each of us is playing our unique rhythm in the symphony of nature .

Inviting all energies into awareness with deep gratitude and acceptance, let harmony arise within, and effortlessly let us become attuned to the universal abundance of love.

As we humbly remember our connection to all things and each other, and know separation as an illusion, we stand in unity to foster a peaceful way within and between all communities.

In harmonising we embrace and integrate even those discordant energies in and around us, revealing them to be opportunities for our individual and collective evolution and healing. As we attune ever more deeply to our universal heart, we honour the extraordinary beauty revealed in the most mundane and ordinary moments of life, as well as the grace and wisdom in the most challenging.

Harmony both celebrates and is enriched by the beauty in our diversity – we all have our own note to play; this diversity is essential to the realisation of our collective aspirations for humanity. Through this greater resonance we are able to amplify our purpose in service of the whole – in service of love.

August 2

Embodied Breathwork Ceremony with Live music @All About Love Festival 2023

August 25

Movement Medicine @Ecstatic Dance Summer Retreat 2023