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Embodied Breathwork Ceremony with Live music @All About Love Festival 2023

This is a unique and inspiring new festival with a wonderful community growing up around it.

I’ll be offering an Embodied Breathwork Ceremony with Live Music from

Eliza Hope Kenyon

At 10am on Saturday morning in the Harmonic Roots area.

You can find out more and book your tickets for the festival here.

Words from the All About Love website:

“We are part of a global movement in medicine, music, and healing which is exploding beautifully across the planet right now and this is a direct response to the world we now find ourselves in. The old systems are crumbling and all the apparent chaos is just a natural part of a new more beautiful, peaceful world coming into being, but it’s not going to be easy. We need each other more than ever.

All About Love is a giant mycelium of kind-hearted, supportive human beings who believe in helping each other to step up. We all have our stuff to deal with. No judgment here. We believe in ‘keeping the gift moving’ at all times.”

July 12

One-to-one Embodied Breathwork sessions @Buddhafields Festival

August 17

Embodied Breathwork One-to-One sessions @Medicine Festival 2023