I’m looking forward to being a speaker at this one-day event in Bristol (& online) for The National Centre for Integrative Medicine (NCIM)
NCIM is a Centre of Excellence that champions an Integrative Medicine Model, combining conventional, lifestyle and holistic approaches. We deliver healthcare services as well as training for healthcare professionals and are active in research and evaluation. The aim for our holistic healthcare service is to provide greater choice for health and wellbeing.
You can find out more about the event below and register here.
Evolving Consciousness: Integrative Healthcare Forum
To be inspired by a wide range of experts and innovators, broaden your understanding of Integrative Medicine, and apply your newly acquired knowledge at work and at home.
Why you’ll want to attend:
You’ll gain knowledge to use in your holistic practice and life right away You’ll be able to ask questions and interact with our speakers You’ll make new connections in the Integrative Healthcare community You’ll enjoy an immersive wellbeing experience You’ll gain 5 hours of CPD
Who is this event for?
Our Integrative Healthcare Forums are a unique gathering of healthcare professionals, researchers and students who want clinical and evidence-based updates within a broad vision of healthcare. Members of the public with an interest in Integrative Healthcare are also very welcome to join us.
Access our event
The venue for our event uses the latest technology to support a blended learning option You can join this event in person at Engineer’s House (Clifton, Bristol) or online. The whole day will be recorded and playback will be available for everyone who buys a ticket.
Integrative Medicine is a broad model combining the intelligent use of conventional, lifestyle, and holistic approaches. It is also underpinned by an understanding of complexity with interconnecting levels of health from sub-molecular to global and how illness can be affected by or show itself at these different levels.
How we as humans evolve at this point in time to deal with the complexity of modern living and the threats to the planet, demands an understanding of complex systems and what roles we play within them. It also asks deep questions about what we value in life, how we make sense of our lives which may require a paradigm shift in what we prioritize in achieving ‘health’.
Together we will explore where science can meet deep inner knowing, the theory and science of ecotherapy, the use of psychedelics in healthcare, the rise of the feminine as well as directly experiencing the breath and sound as techniques to support us with our personal, organisational and planetary journey of discovery.
The venue for our event uses the latest technology to support a blended learning option You can join this event in person at Engineer’s House (Clifton, Bristol) or online. The whole day will be recorded and playback will be available for everyone who buys a ticket.
Here’s the schedule for the day
10:00 Welcome
Dr Elizabeth Thompson
Conscious Health within the Integrative Healthcare Model
10:10 Arts in Healthcare
Dr Trevor Thompson
Can compulsory creativity shift awareness in medical training?
10:40 Sound Medicine
Eliza Hope Kenyon
The healing power of the voice
11:05 Morning Break
11:30 Breathing and Moving Into Wholeness
Benjamin Tree
Exploring how we breathe and move as foundations of health
Where Evidence-Based Reason Meets Deep Inner Knowing
David Lorimer
Online presentation with Q and A
13:00 Lunch Break
14:00 The Science of Awe and Wonder
Dr Elizabeth Thompson
Presentation with Q and A
14:30 Award Ceremony
Dr Elizabeth Thompson & Modular Leads
Diploma in Integrative Healthcare – NCIM’s accredited 2 year Masters L7 education programme for healthcare professionals
15:00 Afternoon Break
15:30 Sacred Plants, Psychedelics and Spirituality
Dr Lauren MacDonald
16:15 Nature Connection
Michéal Connors and Rhonda Brandrick
Nature connection, eco-psychedelia and the science of eco therapy (online presentation)