Work with me One-to-one

Experience the Power & Possibility of Embodied Breathwork

You will supported to learn the techniques and harness the power of your breath connected to your body for healing, transformation and insight

What to expect in a one-to-one session

  • We check in to see you you’re doing on the day as many things can come up as you move towards this work.

    We will also discuss the information you provided on your new client questionnaire (that is sent to you after you book). This will give a good overview and we will then discuss specific intentions for the work in this session.

  • I will introduce you to the structure of the session and the embodiment and breathwork techniques that we will be using.

    I encourage you to ask any questions so that you are very clear about how we will be working work and how you can speed up or slow down the process as need be.

    I place a lot of attention on making sure you understand the mechanisms for self-regulation during the breathwork so that you are totally safe to go as deep as you feel ready to go.

  • I will then guide you in an embodiment exercise so you ar fully present in your body and to get the energy moving in your system. This makes the breathwork much more powerful and effective as well as beginning the transition of your focus from your mind to your body. The body is where all the emotions and memories of life experiences are stored, so by connecting with the body you begin the process of making space for that which is no longer serving you to be released. This then opens the possibility of more of your life force energy filling your body and life.

  • I will then guide you to begin the conscious connected breathing pattern that you will be using and support you to connect with your own natural breathing rhythm.

    This is the key to how I work as I empower you to trust your body and breath throughout the whole process. In this way, you can connect with and be guided by your own innate intelligence, and the healing, transformation, and insights that come will be exactly right for you as they will arise from you being in your own process, not from me trying to heal you or push you to breathe in a way that I think is right. That’s not how I work as I know and trust in the power of the breath, body, and innate intelligence that animates us all.

  • This is where the magic really happens as I give you plenty of time and space to receive the medicine of the journey so that it is genuinely useful to your daily life and not just a one-off peak expeience.

  • We complete with a time for you to share anything that is useful for you to share and for you to bridge back into verbal communication before going back into the day.

    You are welcome to share as little or as much as you little, as well as ask any questions or ask for any advice.

    We will also then discuss the next steps if you’d like to do more sessions.

“Ben is an experienced teacher who generously shares his experiences and wisdom. He always explained techniques and ideas clearly and thoroughly so I felt supported and prepared for my sessions, and he created a space where I could freely breathe, move and express my full self. After working with him, I have enhanced my connection with my breath and awareness of my mind and body. I would highly recommend Ben because of his nourishing and intuitive approach to teaching.”

- Maria, London UK

To begin your journey please book a Free Discovery Call

If you can not see a suitable time please contact me to book