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Movement Medicine Summer Long Dance

This is the annual Movement Medicine give-away Ceremony run by my teachers and founders of Movement Medicine Ya’Acov & Susannah Darling Khan. It is a very deep and profound journey and raises money for a variety of life-empowering projects across the world.

These words are from the website and you can find out more and apply to participate here.

“The Long Dance ceremony is a way to join in deep community to dance, sing and pray together for all our relations. After a gap of two years, it will happen for the 12th year in a large marquee in a magical valley in South Devon in the South West of the UK. The ceremony provides a profoundly healing, catalytic and magical space where each individual is encouraged to find their own unique way of expressing their dreams and love for life through the dance. The Movement Medicine teachings are all represented in the Movement Medicine mandala and the ceremony is grounded in these teachings.

We are delighted that once again this year, we will be joined by Manari Ushigua, Leader and Shaman of the Sapara Peoples of Ecuadorian Amazon.

It’s an opportunity to spend some time remembering that our own personal wellbeing is connected to the wellbeing of the biosphere and all of life, and to dedicate our dance to all our relations, past, present and future. The deeper we dance, the more we directly experience the reality of the interconnected nature of all life. This recognition is not just a blissful experience. It’s a remembering of our responsibility to honour and protect the sanctity of life, each in our own way. This is a give-away ceremony and therefore, participants are required to raise a minimum of £400 for any project or projects they wish to dance for. There is no tuition fee and any monies left over at the end of the event will go entirely towards supporting charitable projects. The Long Dance has so far raised more than £500,000 ($688,000) for a whole host of magnificent projects. Our central project is to support the Pachamama Alliance, an organisation called into being by the indigenous people of the Ecuadorian Amazon to protect the forest and to change the ‘dream of the North.’

In order to participate in the Long Dance, you must have either worked with Ya’Acov and Susannah before or be recommended by someone who is known to them. In all cases, participation is by application.

Covid Policy.  We will expect all participants to take a covid test no soon than 24 hours before arrival and to show us the negative result.

Arrival on the afternoon of the 4th July by 6.30.  Finish with lunch on the 10th July.

Camping or live in vehicles only.”

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