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Embodied Breathwork One-to-One sessions @Medicine Festival 2024

Medicine Festival is nearly sold out already! You can get final release tickets here.

You can also book a One-to-one Embodied Breathwork session with me. Please be in contact for more information.

Words from the Medicine Festival website:


Medicine is about interweaving communities and bridging cultures – wisdom keepers, indigenous communities visionaries, artists, and solutionaries of all traditions to inspire and ignite a deeper understanding of how we can tread lightly, and live harmoniously as we support each other in the creation of the world we want to see – an equitable and thriving world.


Remember our birthright as a vital part of nature, living in sacred reciprocity- every breath – regenerating a world where all beings are honored in their sovereignty, loved in their difference, and seen as vital participants in this divine interplay of life. Our vision is a world where nature is cherished, peace is revered and difference is celebrated; where humankind has reclaimed the gifts of gratitude, and guardianship for all life.



Medicine would not have come into existence without the significant input of our indigenous friends and we will always take counsel from them for as long as we exist, as well as put them at the centre of our production as collaborators.

We provide an online and in-person platform for people to learn from indigenous leaders from all around the world, because we fully realise that they are the ones protecting the biodiversity of our whole planet. Indigenous people are often the worst hit by climate change and natural disasters, and without them, we face an immeasurable loss of our collective understanding of how to live in harmony with nature, of protecting our forests and waters, and understanding the importance of keeping earth’s natural resources in the ground, not to mention the cultural importance of the spiritual earth-based wisdom they carry.

Through our online offerings to date (Medicine Sessions, MovieMedicine and our special events such as the Song Circle), we have directly raised funds for indigenous communities who have been hit hard by Covid-19, and for our partner organisations such as the Tairona Trust and Boa Foundation with profits going to help Kogi and Amazonian indigenous communities in need.

We co-hosted a special event on August 9th 2020 on the UN’s International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples with our partner Aniwa, featuring esteemed indigenous leaders from the Mayan, Yoreme, Dine, Yaqui/Apache, Huni Kuin, Ashaninka, Yawanawa, Hopi/Tewa and Dogon tribes to celebrate the languages, traditional songs and culture of these tribes and raise money for their community projects.

August 2

Movement Medicine @Ecstatic Dance Summer Retreat 2024

September 22

Autumn Equinox - Embodied Breathwork Ceremony - Online