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FREE: Embodied Breathwork Introductory session - Online

You are invited to join us to resource yourself in community through the power of Embodied Breathwork.

As this is primarily an introductory session you will be sitting rather than lying down and we will only be breathing together for half an hour. This is long enough to access the power of the techniques used but not go into the full depth of the work.

You can book your place and there is more information below:

My way of working is called Embodied Breathwork as it combines Embodiment and Breathwork, and is a unique way of working with the technique of conscious connected breathing. This powerful technique comes from Rebirthing Breathwork and is a simple yet powerful way to move out of the linear mind, release limiting beliefs and emotions and free up the life force energy that was being used to hold them in place.

Working consciously with the breath has many mental, emotional, and physical benefits including; stress relief, lowering blood pressure, heightened sense of clarity, releasing blocked emotions, and stuck energy. This combined with the focus of embodiment creates a potent container for healing and insights to arise and be integrated in a grounded and safe way.

The core focus of the work is self-empowerment and sovereignty. To listen within to one's own truth is such a powerful and important tool to have in navigating through life. In a world where there is so much external information, this practice is needed more than ever.

The Breathwork techniques that are taught and used in the session are ancient and time-tested. Consciously connecting with the breath opens a gateway into a deep relationship with body and soul, and the mind gets to take a back seat for a while.

The Embodiment techniques used are a blend of Mindfulness, Yoga Nidra, Shamanic practices, and Movement Medicine. This way of working builds a powerful bridge between body, heart, mind and the breath.

We begin with an opening circle where you will be introduced to the techniques and we will then move into the breathwork. The techniques are simple yet profound and they support you to resource, release, and restore.

These are the core principles of my work:


Bring awareness into your body and connect to the innate healing capacity within you that knows exactly what's ready to heal.


Anything that limits you and is ready to move from the mental, physical, energetic, and emotional levels of your being.


Your connection to potent life force energy, insight, creativity, and power that is available to you in every moment, in every breath.

About your facilitator

Benjamin works with Breathwork and Embodiment practices to support you to breathe, move, and live into your full potential. In essence, his work is about holding space and providing guidance for you to connect with the innate intelligence and healing capacity of your breath and body. He is deeply committed to showing up and playing his part in these pivotal times we are living in, and his mission is to empower people to stand in their sovereignty and power so that they can move beyond any limitations and bring their full gifts alive in service of life.

He is a fully qualified Rebirthing Breathwork practitioner and Movement Medicine teacher and facilitator. He has over 20 years of experience in the field of health and wellbeing, having begun his journey as a healer when he became a Reiki practitioner at 19 years old. Since then he has journeyed deeply with many healing and transformational modalities personally and professionally. He now focuses on working with the trinity of breath, body, and awareness to empower people to be their own healers as he feels this is what the world needs most in these times; for people to be empowered, centered, and able to navigate and respond to the challenges of life in simple, effective and powerful ways.

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