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Breathe & Bass and Pollen Tribe guest appearances @All About Love Festival

I’ll be facilitating embodiment and breath awareness for Breathe & Bass, as well as making guest appearances on the Pollen Tribe mobile sound system. Empowering connection, healing, and awareness of self, others, and our part in the web of life.

You can find out more about Breathe & Bass here, as well as listen and dance to mixes here.

You can find out more about Pollen Tribe here.

Words from the All About Love website:

“We are part of a global movement in medicine, music, and healing which is exploding beautifully across the planet right now and this is a direct response to the world we now find ourselves in. The old systems are crumbling and all the apparent chaos is just a natural part of a new more beautiful, peaceful world coming into being, but it’s not going to be easy. We need each other more than ever.

All About Love is a giant mycelium of kind-hearted, supportive human beings who believe in helping each other to step up. We all have our stuff to deal with. No judgment here. We believe in ‘keeping the gift moving’ at all times.”

You can find out more and book here.

July 13

One-to-one Embodied Breathwork sessions @Buddhafields Festival

August 10

Movement Medicine & Embodied Breathwork @Boomtown festival